We slowly become them | Badass Mother
The smell of Eucalyptus, a candle burning, lilacs, Tracey Chapman playing on the radio, these are just some things that always remind me of my mom!
I have the best mom in the world! As most of us all think that way and we all should, they gave birth to us and did the best job they knew how.
It’s funny to think about the cycle of how we see our mom’s and then how we slowly become just like them.
0–5 years old: A hero, they know everything about everything, they make us feel safe and we want to be with them more than anyone.
6–12 years old: Starting to say NO to them, testing boundaries, being a brat but at the end of the day we want to be tucked into bed and loved by them.
13–18 year old : We think they don’t know anything about anything, we know more than they do. They embarrass us at times, we lie to them, hide out in our rooms listening to music they hate. We can’t wait to move out on our own and do whatever we want all day, leave lights on, run the dryer in the middle of the day.
19–23 years old: We have spread our wings and either moved out or traveling the world for adventure or school. We are on top of the world and don’t make time to call them or keep them in the loop unless we run out of money or have an emergency.
24–30 years old: We live on our own, we miss their cooking, realizing how much work it is to keep house clean, keep electrical bills down, how hard it can be to be an adult. We miss them, we visit them more, we call them more and need them more. We need their help with our own kids, relationship advice and want that love that makes us feel like a kid again.
31–40 years old: We notice we are slowly becoming just like them, our own kids tell us how much we remind them of grandma. We become best friends again, they are our heros again, we realize how important they are to us. To cherish the time we have with them as they too are getting older.
41 + : I don’t know yet but I will make it amazing.
I love my mom, I am so grateful for all the years I have been on this planet and have had her as a rock in my life. She is always so positive, ready to support my ideas and help in any way that she can. I am becoming more like her everyday, even the little things that bugged me as a teenager, I now do to Rya. It makes me smile and laugh because they are all things that totally make sense but I just didn’t get it at the time. She made me the badass I am today, gave me the structure and comfort I needed but also that tough love to make me strong and confident.
I am proud to be just like my mom and I hope my kids become just like me but even better, it’s our jobs to make our kids better than us.
We should all step up our mama love everyday. We can always do more and say more, and feel more, so let’s do it. Let’s give our moms what they deserve, message your mom right now, just a little note telling them you love them.
I am so stoked to be a mom to a little baby again, two babies at that. As much as everyone says twins will be a huge handful… etc, I cannot wait to have that incredible love times two!
Email me (Danielle Chevalier) if you wanna talk or share your story with me: adrenalinefit@gmail.com
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I’ve been posting boot camp related videos to my AXFIT youtube channel for over 8 years now! My passion is sharing and inspiring trainers around the world. I share my training style, which i’m truly honoured has become known as “The AXFIT Training Style”, which was born out of my journey to give clients a fun, efficient, and no-nonsense workout that builds real results.